What Did Nostradamus Write In 1551
what did nostradamus write in 1551

Nostradamus has predicted that the third anti Christ has already arrived. North Korea and South Korea will mergeThe majority of Nostradamus’ quatrains were penned in his 1555 Magnum Opus Les Propheties. Although no complete copy exists today, numerous excerpts have been preserved by Chavigny in his Receuil des pr&233 sages prosa&239 ques, the Janus Fran&231 ois and his Commentaires , as well as in his work Vaticination Below are the most important Nostradamus predictions for 2022 that will have a great impact on the whole world. Given the success of these pamphlets and of those who imitated them, it seems that Nostradamus began in 1552 to write two predictions for the coming year: 1/ Prognostics pour lan 1553.

what did nostradamus write in 1551what did nostradamus write in 1551

Not uncommon were the situations in which both the mother and the newborn lost their lives as a result of complications at birth. In the literature of all times he was given the title of forerunner of all the great events that were taking place or were to happen in the world.The works of Nostradamus are made of string, many of them have been misinterpreted or translated over time.Successful births were extremely rare in the sixteenth century, with the mortality rate at birth relatively high. Since its publication, it has become very popular all over the world, creating a cult around it. Who was NostradamusOn his real name Michel de Nostredame, Nostradamus (born Decem– died July 2, 1566), was a famous French physician, kabbalist and pharmacist.Its celebrity is due to the work Les Propheties, whose first edition appeared in 1555.

A second major plague epidemic prompted Nostradamus to leave the university and to take steps to the areas affected by the terrible disease.For several months, he treated the plague sufferers without getting sick from the terrible disease. Here he gave his doctorate in medicine. He also mastered higher mathematics, physics, astronomy and astrology.After the University of Avignon closed due to a plague epidemic, Nostradamus chose to travel through France where he studied the mysteries of medicinal plants.In 1529 he was admitted to the University of Montpellier. By the age of 20, he knew and spoke several languages fluently. Later, Nostradamus would be noted for his unusual intelligence.

Born a Jew, he converted to the Catholic religion and in his religious practice retained elements of both religions. All kinds of conspiracy theories have appeared over the years, some supported by documents of historical value, others simply fantastic.For example, a good deal of time circulated the idea that Nostradamus was a follower of occult practices and invoked demons using a special wand.In fact, Nostradamus was an extremely faithful person. Soon, his name would reach the lips of all the monarchs in EuropeAround the name Nostradamus a true cult was born, and many aspects of the Prophet’s life are still shrouded in mystery.

Starting from descriptions of the air battles and ending with the supposed flight of Adolf Hitler from Berlin, Nostradamus left us a very detailed picture of the events of that time. Nostradamus predicted the events of the Second World WarThe prophecies related to the Second World War are perhaps among the most interesting and most accurate of Nostradamus. Nostradamus predicted the death of King Henry II of FranceThe uncommon accuracy of Nostradamus’ prophecies is quite earth-shattering.How did the Prophet succeed in accurately predicting events that would only happen for decades or hundreds of years? Impressive is the fact that most of his predictions are extremely clear (as opposed to those of other “prophets” who did nothing but throw a string of meaningless words in the hope that, in the future, an event will trigger something connection with what they prophesied).

what did nostradamus write in 1551what did nostradamus write in 1551